Automatic resize (with animation)
The following breadcrumbs is loaded inside a div with a width of 100%. Thus, when the browser window is resized the div is also resized and the breadcrumbs is rerendered when the available space can display more or less items.
Automatic resize (without animation)
Same as above but with the animation option deactivated.
$("...").rcrumbs({animation: {activated: false}})
Fixed breadcrumbs width
This breadcrumbs is loaded inside a div with a width of 565px. The display of the navigation items
is done only once (on page load).
The windowResize option is deactivated in order to avoid triggering the window resize event which is only needed
when a rCrumbs is displayed inside a div with a percentage width.
$("...").rcrumbs({windowResize: false})